Dentistry FAQs: Teething

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In order for your child to receive the necessary care they need for their smile to thrive in the future, oral health risks need to be minimized. When a child’s teeth begin to break above their gum line, they will be at risk for a condition known as teething. Teething first begins around the age of 6 months and can last for years. Unfortunately, several teeth erupting in their mouth can lead to severe discomfort for your child. Frequently asked questions concerning teething are found below:

Question: What is the purpose of teething?
Teething is a natural process in children where their primary teeth erupt up above their gum line. Teething can take place over a period of many years. Beginning around the age of 6 months, they may feel discomfort and pain as teeth grow into their proper positions.

Question: What are some of the benefits of teething care?
By providing teething care for a child, it can help lower the severity of symptoms and pain levels that may accompany teething.

Question: What is one of the best methods for teething treatments?
One of the best ways to help treat teething in a child is to alleviate pain through by applying a clean utensil to their mouth to gently rub and soothe their gums.

Question: What are some common signs of teething?
Common signs of teething include the following:
– irritability
– fussiness
– a loss of appetite or difficulties eating
– difficulties sleeping
– a rash or fever
– diarrhea
– drawing

Are you ready to upgrade and enhance your child’s smile with teething care? East Coast Family Dental remains committed to your oral health, and you are welcome to schedule an appointment with us by calling 201-332-4699. Dr. Nguyen, Dr. Sese and our team look forward to having you visit our office in Jersey City, New Jersey.